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제목 CES 2021 오프라인 행사 취소안내 (온라인 전환)
작성자 관리자 등록일 2020-09-02 조회수 1523


CES 델리게이션 리더 인벤션입니다.

미국 라스베이거스에서 열리는 세계 최대 가전·정보기술(IT) 전시회 'Consumer Electronics Show'가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 여파로 내년에는 온라인 행사로만 열린다고 합니다.


미국소비자기술협회(CTA)는 코로나19로 인한 국제사회의 우려가 커진 상황에서 수십만명에 달하는 참가자의 안전을 보장할 수 없어서 내린 결정이라고 합니다.


올해 열린 'CES 2020'에서는 세계 약 150개국, 3800여 기업이 참가했고, 17만명 이상이 관람하였으며, 국내에서는 1만여명 이상이 참가 및 참관을 하였습니다. 


개최 시기가 매년 1월 초여서 다양한 글로벌 기업들이 신제품과 사업 전략을 발표하는 자리로 주목 받아왔습니다.


CTA측에서 '2022년 CES행사는 예전처럼 대면 행사로 개최할 계획'이라 하니 인벤션에서 제공해드리는 CES 등록대행 및 기업단체 서비스도 정상 운영될 예정입니다.


CES 2021에 관한 새로운 정보가 공지되면 게시판을 통해 알려드리겠습니다. 



CES 2021 Is All-Digital

Last updated July 28, 2020

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® is reimagining how to connect exhibitors, customers, thought leaders and media from around the world while prioritizing health and safety. We are excited to share that CES® 2021 will be an all-digital experience.

For more than 50 years, CES has been the global stage for innovation. And CES 2021 will continue to be a platform to launch products, engage with global brands and define the future of the tech industry.

With the growing global health concerns about the spread of COVID-19, it is not possible to safely convene tens of thousands of people in Las Vegas in early January 2021 to meet and do business in person.

An all-digital CES 2021 will allow the entire tech community to safely share ideas and introduce the products that will shape our future. You’ll be able to participate in all the awe-inspiring moments of CES wherever you are in the world. We are designing a unique experience for the tech industry.

CES 2021 will offer a highly personalized experience:

  • Keynotes and conferences. Now you’ll have a front-row seat for groundbreaking announcements and insights from the world’s tech leaders completely online.

  • Product showcase. With this digital evolution of the CES show floor, you’ll be able to explore products and services, based on your interests and business, through dynamic product showcases or live demos.

  • Meetings and networking. You’ll be able to engage with the brands, thought leaders and business connections you care about with live interactions, meetups or roundtable discussions.

Technology has helped us all work, learn and connect during the coronavirus pandemic, and it has presented real solutions to help solve complex global challenges. We recognize that, particularly in these uncertain times, it is the partnerships of some of the most creative minds that bring the best solutions to life.

We’re looking forward to welcoming the global tech industry, from international brands to budding startups, to kick off the year with the world’s most influential digital technology event.

Mark your calendars for the first week in January and be on the lookout for more exciting news about CES 2021. We plan to return to Las Vegas for CES 2022, combining the best elements of a physical and digital show.

Thank you for your continued support. Please stay healthy and safe.




이전글 CES 2021 Innovation Awards 접수신청 시작 2020-09-05